5 Ways a Professional Equine Photographer Will Take Your Business to the Next Level


5 Ways a Professional Equine Photographer Will Take Your Business to the Next Level

Elevate Your Equestrian Business Now

For many of us, the greatest modern invention is the smartphone. With a CAMERA in it. We can snap a picture of our beloved four-leggeds at any given moment. In any location. 

We have the ability to capture memories all day long. And... we can send them through email and text, or post them to our social media, or even (eek) our professional website.

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But, what about the quality of those photos

Y’all, I know you think they look pretty good on your phone or even your Facebook page. But how about large scale on your equine website, or a print-ad?

Maybe, you’re a savvy equine business owner? You already know your iPhone pictures just aren’t gonna cut the mustard to market your product. 

Beautiful horse pictures are a must when it comes to branding your equestrian business.

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There are tons of free stock photos online. Darn good ones too. Better yet, high-quality images you can buy. But...the big question...will they carry the message your brand is looking for? Do these horse pictures celebrate life with animals? Do they portray the relationship between horse and rider? Or drive a killer equine advertising campaign?

Maybe, maybe not.

Why take a chance with the business you built from the ground up? Don't use lackluster cell phone photos or low quality imagery that doesn’t support your brand.

Buck Brannaman is a firm believer in asking for help when help is needed. “Solutions to problems often come from knowing when to ask for help.”

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Well...where do you turn for amazing equestrian branding photography? 

The Answer Folks is a Professional Who Specializes in Equine Commercial Photography — Here are 5 Reasons Why

1. An Equine Photographer Lives and Breathes Horses

Do you know what it’s like to wake up to the sound of horses whinnying for their breakfast? Before your first cup of coffee, you pull on a pair of old jeans and step into your well-worn boots. As you head outside to walk to the barn, the dogs run and greet you waiting for their morning treat. Leaves crunch under your feet.  Faces peer out of their stalls with welcome anticipation. A new foal rustles awake at the sound of the other horses. He is rambunctious and wants to get out to run and play. What a morning.

This isn’t a job or a chore, this is a lifestyle.

Plain and simple, you want someone who lives and breathes this life. Their knowledge and experience is second nature. You want someone who knows the difference between the horse’s fetlock and forelock. Or an Appaloosa and a Thoroughbred. 

Experience means they understand patience leads to the perfect moment. They are comfortable around the animal and know how to get out of the way... if need be. A knowledgeable equine photographer knows how to be in the right place at the right time. They instinctively know and anticipate what the horse is going to do next. For the perfect shot.

2. Their Eye is Trained to Recognize Horse and Human Connection

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Not everyone has the ability to capture the bond from behind the lens.

Possibly the biggest draw to having a relationship with a horse is the bond you share. 

Why does it matter if a person looking at your website notices the horse-human bond in the photo? Emotional impact keeps your reader interested. A viewer absorbed in a photo stays on your page longer and is likely interested in what you have to say. Powerful photography elicits an emotional response. And keeps your reader coming back for more. 

Your loyal customers rely on your authority in the equine industry. Custom photos designed specifically for your brand, strengthen your relationship. And grow your influence.  

An experienced equestrian photographer captures the heart and soul of your business. Creating exceptional-quality imagery making your online business stand out from the crowd. 

3. Their Photos Tell A Story

How many times have you seen a photo so alluring, it caused you to imagine the scenario in your head? 

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Seeing a photo of a mama with her 3-hour old foal nuzzling up for warmth and security immediately brings joy to your heart. You picture in your mind the wobbly legs and tiny little muzzle. You imagine the colt darting off as soon as his legs are ready. Your mind creates a story about this precious new baby even if you are not there. If only you could touch his sweet face, or hear his tiny little whinny.

A picture really is worth 1000 words

Why is it important your photos tell a story? 

Well, because your brand tells the story of your business. Do you want your customer’s reaction to fall flat, or for them to be inspired and drawn to what you have to say? 


Your story sets you apart from every other business in your industry. Well crafted photos help the viewer get to know you and your business. It’s a story-driven approach. Photography relays your message to your current customers and soon to be customers. 

Captivating photos leave a powerful impression on their minds. 

4. Conformation - It’s the Bee's Knees 

In the horse world, conformation means everything. A trained eye easily recognizes good conformation and can predict how a horse moves. You might think this is only important with photos of horses for sale. But, knowing how to highlight a horse’s conformation sets apart an ok photo from a jaw-dropping one. Taking a shot at just the right moment shows a horse off and grabs people’s attention. Taking a picture from the perfect angle or focal distance also minimizes imperfections. 

If you want your online business to stand out, you need to make a statement with your website presence. Superb photos grab the viewer’s attention. You want images to cause the reader to stop dead in their tracks (to stop scrolling) and say WOWZA. Top-notch quality photos from a seasoned professional illicit this reaction every single time.  

5. Capturing the Essence of The Horses and Humans You Serve


Horses have big personalities

Remarkable character traits and silly behaviors. 

Help your potential customer see this with their own eyes.

If your business brand is work wear and supplies for a seasoned Florida cattle rancher, you want the mood in the photos to match. Lighting and location set the stage. But the star of the show is the cowboy's rugged and dependable quarter horse named Mr. Ed. A trained eye behind the lens helps you see and feel Mr. Ed's character. You want your potential customer to see themselves in the photo. Envisioning themselves out in the Florida scrub wrangling cattle with their trusty steed.

A talented equine photographer uses a horse's personality to bring photos to life... And encourages the viewer to take a long pause. To notice the bold disposition of a jet-black 17-hand Percheron. Or giggle at the whimsical nature of a chubby mini Falabella. Drawing your customer to your brand and showing them it's perfect for their lifestyle. 

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So, what are you waiting for? Bring a breath of fresh air to your business with stunning photos your customers will rave over, and keep them coming back for more. Build an image library for all of your marketing needs.

100% real. Transparent. Authentic. Classic. Mesmerizing photos to capture YOUR brand. 

Stand out in the middle of a herd of wild Mustangs. 

Get noticed. 

Leave an impression.

Maybe, just maybe, you dabble in photography yourself and plan on doing your own work? Here is a complete guide to becoming a professional photographer to leave your own mark.

Fast Horse Photography is here for all of your equine photo service needs. Set up a custom shoot designed specifically for your brand. Or, choose from hundreds of stock images sure to keep your customers galloping back time and time again.