How do you combine your talent for taking beautiful photos and your passion for horses to create a photography business that fits your lifestyle?
That’s what I’ve been doing for more than 7 years as an equine photographer. If you’d like to learn how to plan equine and equestrian photo shoots to create high-quality wall art and build your business around in-person sales, you’re invited to apply for one-to-one mentoring.
Work with fewer clients and still build an equine photography business you love.
It’s easy to get caught in the trap of “more” as you’re building your photography business. More clients means more revenue, right?
Through my years of creating custom wall art for equestrian clients, I’ve learned that’s not always the case.
When you work with fewer clients, you get to invest more of your time and energy into the ones you decide to work with.
Ultimately, that decision can lead to more revenue—and freedom—if you go about it the right way. That’s why I’m here!
You’ll learn how to create a consistently elevated customer experience and build your in-person sales process. I’ll teach you how to build a photography business that makes your clients want to work with you over and over again.
Elevated Customer Service
Learn my process and complete customer flow so you can create a full-service experience, working with horse owners from initial concept to finished one-of-a-kind equine decor.
In-Person Sales
Discover how selling your work as high-quality finished art through in-person sales begins from the first client inquiry and how you can “close the sale” through an intimate, personal, and professional photo reveal.
Create a custom flow that reflects your style and your business goals.
Through a series of scheduled video or in-person meet-ups, I will walk you through the processes I’ve perfected through the years.
From customer onboarding, creative consulting, to preparing clients for shoots and all the way to the final reveal, I’ll also help you create your own process that reflects the values and goals of your equine photography business.
Mentoring Investment:
45 minute session $225
Two 45 minute sessions $375
Four 45 minute sessions $625
Six 45 minute sessions $825
Mentorships are held via zoom unless otherwise arranged.
“Cara is an honest, trustworthy, and experienced photographer, and I would highly recommend her to any equine photographers who are interested in developing an in-person sales process for their business.”