How to Create a Marketing Strategy That Will Make Your Horse Business Skyrocket

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Top Tips to Create an Unforgettable Plan for Your Equine Business

When was the last time you walked into a tack store

Not just any ol’ tack shack, but the kind that oozes charm and character. The aroma of leather permeates the air. Milly, the store’s cat meows from the counter. A snazzy pair of new riding boots scream “buy me!”

Alluring equine photography hanging on the wall catches your eye, Mustangs in the wild. An elderly couple riding into the sunset. Children playing in a field with their horses. A spirited Arabian galloping along the shores of Amelia Island. The artwork draws your mind back to many adventures with your own horses. You daydream about riding on the beach with your bestie - the wind blowing... and the waves crashing. The perfect moment.

Milly’s meow breaks you out of your spell and you remember why you went to the store in the first place. Fly spray. No-Seeums have been driving your horses crazy in the sweltering August heat. You round the corner to the fly spray wall. The choices are endless. How do you pick the perfect one for your horse? Grab the bottle with a photo of a majestic Peruvian Paso who isn’t bothered by the flies… at all. Yep, that’s the one.

At the counter, you spy a huge sign with hay prices. What a clever idea. The sign is a dry erase board with a photo of chubby ponies eating their breakfast superimposed on it. Ohhh, that’s right… You needed to buy hay too.

You grab a business card to stick on the corkboard in your barn office. It has a picture on it similar to the ones around the store. Wow. Classy. 

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Out back, to pick up your hay, you see a massive sign with a photo of the store’s hay delivery truck overflowing with feed. “Free Delivery of 25 Bales or More.” Dang. You turn back around and change your order from 20 to 25. 

What just happened? Horse images helped you do your shopping. Specific marketing inside and outside piqued your interest and spurred your spending. And, you didn’t even notice. Subtle yet consistent marketing. Leading YOU, the buyer to your next purchase. 

People... that’s precise marketing for your equine business right there. 

They nailed it. But, what about your small business? Are you drawing people in like you anticipated? How are your daily, weekly, and monthly sales? Are you blowing the doors off your competition, or feeling like you need to close up shop? Somewhere in between? Research shows there is a need for your product, and you have a dang good one. BUT, do you have a strategic PLAN to sell your goods or services? Think about it.

Y’all, A Marketing Plan for Your Horse Business Is a Must

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But why? 

You wouldn’t build a house without plans, would you? Heck no! Why is your business any different? Sure, you have plans for what you sell. But...your focus needs to be on WHO you sell to and HOW?

Bottom line — marketing tailored to your “ideal client” builds relationships with your current customers and... potential ones.

You’ve invested blood, sweat, and tears into your equine business. You’ve spent sleepless nights and hectic days creating the business of your dreams. Don’t stop short. A creative and strategic marketing plan gives you the tools you need to be a leader in your field.

If You Build It, They Will Come

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Your #1 goal — be as clear and concise as possible when creating your plan.

Ask yourself these questions when building your plan:

  • What’s the PURPOSE of your marketing strategy? Obviously to grow your customer base. But, just any customers? “To draw in 40 to 50-year-old women who raise mini horses for equine therapy” - be specific.

  • HOW are you going to pull off this plan? By being an authority in your industry, of course. Connect with your audience. Let them see you are the voice of trust. Help your customers see why you are special. Why should they buy your product over your competitors? Why are you unique? What will people remember about you and your equine services? 

  • What is your BUSINESS IDENTITY? Use your brand to emotionally connect with your audience. Help them see you have answers to their problems. Your brand defines you and your business, separating you from the herd. 

Keep in mind your marketing tools must be consistent and flow together. Brand-specific equine photography is the ultimate cohesive marketing tool. If all of your marketing materials had the same theme  —  what an impact you would make in your industry. Refine your focus. Make your brand the face of your company. 

  • Do you KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE? As a small business owner, knowing your target market is the key to your success. Not only knowing who your ideal client is, but how they think. What they like and dislike. The mini horse owner uses specific products to market her own brand. She wants her clients to have a peaceful and enjoyable therapeutic experience. How do your products help her accomplish that? What colors and product themes bring her business to life?

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  • What is your MARKETING BUDGET? Yep, you read that right… marketing budget. As part of your business plan, it’s a solid idea to set up a budget for your advertising. Many small companies start with a base amount and then re-invest 15-30% of their return on marketing for their equine business. Don’t skip or skimp on this important step.

  • What TOOLS WILL YOU USE to advertise and market your equine business? 

    • A well-crafted LOGO and WEBSITE carry your brand image. Quality horse photos tell your story and breathe life into your marketing.

    • SOCIAL MEDIA is your friend. And, unless you buy ads, it’s FREE. Want your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn to be on point? Stellar equine photography from a professional will surely leave an impression. Social media is an amazing tool but consistency is key. Use your social media to:

      • ENGAGE with your current and potential customers

      • BUILD an emotional connection with your followers

      • SHARE ideas, tips, and tricks of the trade

      • SHOW your followers you are an authority in your industry

    • BLOG POSTS ahhh… the meat of your marketing. The power of the blog is mindblowing. Did you know 77% of internet users read blogs on a daily basis? 77% folks! And, interestingly enough, 70% of buyers want to learn about a company from a blog post...not an advertisement. Whoa. 

But, how do you break through all the noise of the other blogs out there? How do you have material that keeps your reader on the page interested in what you have to say? You must write to your target audience. Show them you care. Give them answers and educate them. Be vulnerable and real. Be authentic by sharing your trials and mistakes, successes, and failures. 

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    • GUEST POSTS Ask a friend in the business if you could do a guest post on their blog. Be sure to include awe-inspiring equestrian pictures, a link to your website, and a way to connect with you. 

    • ADVERTISE through your social media and Google Ads. Photo slides and video ads with an action button seem to be the ticket. Wordstream advertising has some great ideas to get you started. Stay hyper-focused on your target market and stick to your branding image. 

    • GIVEAWAYS Everyone loves FREE stuff or winning a prize. EVERYONE. Create contests. Give something to every 50th subscriber, or do referral incentives. The name of the game here is creativity. Be BOLD and draw your customers in. 

    • PRINT ADS are classic and useful in many different settings. Use bright eye-catching images to reach your audience. Keep it simple though. Draw them in and then tell them what to do.

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INGENUITY. FOLLOW THROUGH. PASSION. CONSISTENCY… It's the name of the game folks. There is no halfway. Create your marketing plan to be your best and give your best. Contact Fast Horse Photography TODAY for professional equine photography that leaves a lasting impression. Partner with a professional. Leave your mark.